Pink BCS Dragon Boating
If you have been around White Rock Lake on a Saturday morning, you may have seen a group of women, paddling in unison on a 40 foot long boat to the rhythmic beat of a drummer who is perched on the bow. Meet Dallas United PINK — DFW’s first Breast Cancer Survivors’ Dragon Boat Team. United through a shared diagnosis, DUC Pink encourages and empower survivors to engage in a lifetime of fun, exercise, and camaraderie on the water. If you are a breast cancer survivor seeking an exceptional opportunity to join a community of women who understand the journey, value the benefits of exercise, bond over brunch, and love to compete — Dallas United PINK is for YOU!​

In 1995, Dr. Don McKenzie, from Canada, challenged they myth, "Women treated for breast cancer should limit upper body activities." Instead, his research demonstrated that upper body activity, such as paddling, was effective in reducing post-operative complications, such as lymphedema. So, Dr McKenzie formed the first dragon boat team of breast cancer survivors.
The movement grew! Now there are over three hundred teams registered with the International Breast Cancer Paddling Commission. These teams come together at dragon boat festivals throughout the world (Pink raced in Milan, Italy!) to compete and find fellowship.
We practice Saturday mornings February through November. Our training includes land and water practices. Times vary as our training progresses, so be sure to check the DUC calendar.
Dallas United Crew PINK provides all of the equipment needed and a team jersey is included with your seasons registration.